CircularityPLAY aims to provide a safe supportive space for adults to be creative and imaginative, guided by storytellers and game leaders.
As children, we learn and express ourselves through play. It shapes our character, and provides social cues and ethical foundations for conduct in life. As we get older, play appears to become devalued as something immature and unimportant, or is something that we do in isolation. With the pressures of life, we forget that Imagination, Play, and Creativity are a key aspect of our humanity. We must give ourselves more time to play together!
Circularity is created between a community of expert Storytellers and curious Players curated and led by our CircularityPLAY Lead in a safe communal space.
An event is designed over an evening of 2 - 3 hours where individuals and friends are invited to take part in a variety of games. Entry tier competitive games such as Playing Cards, Draughts, Chess, and Dominoes etc are laid out for those developing their confidence in play to take part. Mid tier collaborative games such as Forbidden Island and Pandemic are offered with instruction but without guide for people to collaborate on working out all together. A higher tier exploration of play is offered by our CircularityPLAY Lead and their team to take part in curated one-shot campaigns in a table-top role playing game scenario, based around collaboration and teamwork within a fantastic setting.
Intended Outcome...
We will empower others to develop the confidence to play as a part of a community, to use their imagination, and to think creatively and collaboratively rather than competitively. We would expect our Players to utilise these skills in their wider lives and work.