Our Growing Community
is a fledgling network of community allotments and growing spaces stretched across South Derbyshire and East Staffordshire. Grow is led for the board by Hannah, with support and expertise from a number of our volunteers, click on the images below to learn more about each site.
<<< Click on the CircularityGROW image to visit our Instagram page!
Our Dream for CircularityGROW
The dream is to inspire our local community to grow their own and share their own produce; with a series of allotment and garden hubs to facilitate learning, development, and confidence. A safe area to meet, talk, relax and develop a new interest, or build on one. For the community to directly benefit from healthy produce, grown with a purpose to not only nurture diet, but also mental wellbeing.
Our Vision for CircularityGROW
We would like to have a network of accessible allotment plots, powered by a community organisation or group involved at each. We would provide the tools for use at each site and we would also have a community set for loan at our Community Managed Library in Woodville alongside the growing space there. We also wish to host a community seed library, and to develop video and audio material to teach and encourage our community to grow via our social media channels.
Check out the Grow Instagram at @CircularityGrow where you’ll find most of our pictures of each site!
We would also love to develop a CircularityGROW annual calendar which would provide a working blueprint at all the sites, and an open source shareable resource to help to advise growers what to plant, how to plant it, when to plant it, and where to plant it.
Explore the GROW section of our site to find out more about our community’s journey so far!